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  Description of wedge tombs and examples
These wedge tombs form the largest group of tombs in Ireland. There are over 4,000 of them and almost all of these are in the west of ...
  Descriptions and examples of passage tombs
Passage tombs existed across Europe and, in Ireland, are found mainly on hilltops or ridges. They were usually grouped in cemeteries ...
  Types and examples of dolmens
Portal tombs are also known as dolmens. There are over 170 portal tomb sites in Ireland, mainly in the north of the country. The ...
  Structure and examples of court tombs
These court tombs were the earliest megalithic monuments in Ireland. They were part of a north European tradition of tombs. There are ...
  General information re megaliths
The Megalithic structures take their name from the Greek for great (mega) and stone (lithos). They are, as their name suggests, large ...
  Examples of Religious Sites other than Tombs
Most of the henges are associated with the Bronze Age period but there are some early Neolithic examples. These are mainly in the east ...

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