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  General Comment about Religion
The reformed religion and its Protestant doctrines were not accepted by most people in Ireland. Cramner had introduced the Book of ...
  Elizabethan Church
Elizabeth became queen in 1558 and, at first, she did not impose any particular religious beliefs on the people of Ireland. In 1559 ...
  Counter Reformation
Almost as soon as the Reformation took place there were people and groups who worked to turn people back to Roman Catholicism. This was ...
One branch of the reformed religion was Presbyterianism which had originated from the teachings of John Calvin in Geneva and, more ...
After the English Civil War ended, Oliver Cromwell ruled the country in his strict Puritan ways. Cromwell hated the Roman Catholics and ...
  Charles II
The monarchy was restored in 1660 and the new king was Charles II. He was tolerant but many of the Protestants who governed Ireland were ...
  Puritans and Quakers
The Presbyterians who came from Scotland at this time received a special subsidy from the king from 1672. This subsidy was known as ...
In the 17th century tobacco smoking became a common habit. One visitor described, in rather unflattering terms, the pipe smoking habit ...
Hurling was a popular pastime and rival teams from neighbouring villages often played in competition. Their goals were 200-300 metres ...
  Treaty of Limerick and Penal Laws
After the Siege of Limerick and the final defeat of the forces of James II, a treaty was agreed at Limerick in 1691. The Civil Articles ...

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